健康及保健常见问题 - 九州体育平台入口-九州体育平台入口

Come to the HWC during open office hours. If 你 are on campus and 你 cannot walk to the HWC, call security at 909-389-3275 and they will bring 你 to the clinic. If 你 need an appointment to see the nurse practitioner or a therapist/counselor, call 预约.

早点打电话. Some same day appointments can be made when urgent. 的中国 strives to provide the services 你 need at 你r convenience, although the average wait time is 5-10 minutes during high volume times. Please call to cancel appointments that 你 are unable to keep so we can schedule a student waiting 预约.

You must sign an authorization form to 发布医疗记录. You can either download a copy of the form and bring it to the HWC or come in and 在办公室做.

Your medical care is strictly confidential, and no information will be released to parents, faculty, administrators, insurance companies, or anyone else without 你r 书面许可. The exceptions are: suicide, homicide, subpoena or public health 授权.

If the HWC is closed and 你 are on campus and it is an emergency, contact the college 警察电话909-389-3275. For off-campus resources, see 推荐.

If 你 have not returned a loan item, i.e. crutches, or if 你 owe payment for a charged health service 你 received, a hold stays in place until the item is returned or payment 是由. After the payment 是由 we will notify A&R将货舱移开.

Come in the HWC or call 预约. Our professional staff can counsel 你 on a broad range of health related concerns such as diet and weight management, smoking cessation and stress management, and can answer 你r questions about STDs or pregnancy 测试. If needed, an appointment can be made for further evaluation and/or treatment 和咨询.

Yes, they are free and available in the waiting room. 你可以一次吃2-3片.

Yes, we provide pap smears, various birth control methods, emergency birth control 乳腺癌筛查. Most STDs can be diagnosed and treated on campus ( for 男女皆可).

Make an appointment with the nurse practitioner to discuss which method is best for 你. Pap smears are only required for those who are over 21 years of age, unless there 是具体问题吗?.

Yes, we offer low-cost and a wide range of laboratory 测试, i.e. 性病,浓度, lipid profiles, complete blood counts (CBC.)

Yes, we do confidentiality 测试. If 你 need anonymous 测试, we will give 你 一个推荐.

Yes, call the HWC during the fall (September, October, November, and December) and 预约. Flu Facts: Symptoms come on suddenly and include a fever of 100 or more, chills, headache, dry cough, muscle aches, sore throat. 治疗包括 antiviral medication if started within the first 48 hours, Acetaminophen to control the fever (do not take aspirin if 你 are under the age of 20), drink extra fluids, get extra sleep, do not go to class if 你 have a fever (你 are contagious). 保持 home until 你r fever is gone for 24 hours without the use of medication. 预防 measures include wash hands, wash hands, wash hands!!!! 多睡觉,吃得好, limit fast food and increase fruits and vegetables, avoid others who are infected, cover 你r cough with 你r elbow or sleeve.

Yes, we provide STD 测试 and treatment, pap smears, and various birth control methods 通过任命. Emergency birth control can be obtained (within 120 hrs after intercourse) 不请自来. Condoms are free and available anytime the HWC is open.